Monday 9 December 2013

Blogmas Day 9 | My Spot Fighting Bargin Picks

It's the time of year when a lot of parties are going on and so is the last time you want a nasty breakout! I suffer from acne on my face and body (gross I know) and have tried a lot of stuff over the years to try and combat it. The stuff from the doctors never seemed to for for me, or it left me with horribly dry and painful skin. I don't have a very big budget being a student so I can't try most of the wonder products I read about in blogs. I know a lot of people suffer, like me, and also don't have that kind of budget. I thought I'd share my favorites with a lower price tag.

Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Foaming Face Wash

This for me is the best thing I have ever tried for combating those pesky spots. I use it daily in the shower. It works best if you use it twice a day. Often foaming face washes 'defoam' once you put them on your face but this one stays foamy until you rinse it away. It feels really gentle on the skin but really does the job! Using this clears my spots within a few days and helps prevent bad breakouts. I use this on the parts of my body prone to acne (mainly my back) and it works wonders there too! It's really cheap at just £3.59. 

Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Back Spray

When I saw this I instantly wanted to try it. I have never seen products targeted at acne on the body before and this range seem to be bringing out other body products too. This is a spray which makes treating bacne really quite easy as normally I cant reach there very well.. Spray it on at least twice a day and let it do its job! It's also really refreshing when you spray it on. Again really cheap at £4.99

Quick Fix Facials Anti-Blemish Mud Mask

Now I have herd a lot about how mud masks are great for spot prone skin. I wouldn't call this a wonder product however with regular use (about once or twice a week depending on how oily your skin is) helps prevent bad breakouts and calm breakouts that you do have. Face masks can be expensive but this tube is just £4.99 and you can get around 10 face masks out of it. 

No7 Beautiful Skin Cleansing Brush

Admittedly this isn't very cheap however, compared to other cleansing face brushes this is a steal! I use it once or twice a week and my face feels so clean after! I use it with any face soap I have to hand and I love it. It took a while for my skin to get used to it, my skin is very sensitive, but making sure there's plenty of face wash on my face and keeping the brush wet I don't have a problem. It's not necessarily a spot treatment, but when trying to fight spots its essential you make sure your face is really clean and completely  rid of makeup. It also exfoliates the skin which really helps with healing spots. It's fairly expensive at £24.95 but compared to similar things (I have seen them sell for around £200) Its a really good deal. Plus Boots often have £5 off vouchers which you can use to get the price down a bit. I have had mine since they first launched and its still going strong from the same batteries, and a few drops, so definitely a sound investment!

You can find all these products at Boots!

Have you tried any of these products?
Whats your top spot fighting product?
Let me know!

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