Thursday 19 December 2013

Baking | Nutella Christmas Muffins

Nutella has got to be one of my favorite things. I love baking with it so I thought I would give Nutella muffins a try! Since it's Christmas I decided to decorate them like little Christmas puddings. (My boyfriend doesn't like Christmas pudding/cake so he loved these!)


I forgot to put the Nutella in the photo... Oops!

  • Self raising flour - 1.5 cups 
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups 
  • Butter - 0.5 cups
  • Nutella - 0.5 cups
  • Milk - 1 cup
  • 2 Medium Eggs
  • Dark chocolate - 1 bar cut  into little pieces (or you can buy chocolate chips!)
  • Ready to roll icing
  • Gel food colours (they need to be gel food colours as they will not affect the icing consistency)
  • Muffin Tins
  • Cake/muffin cases (I found this mixture made around 20 cupcake size muffins, I cooked them in 2  batches but if you use muffin cases you should get 12 from this mixture.


  • Preheat oven to Gas Mark 6 
  • Line muffin tins with cake cases
  • Mix together butter and sugar
  • Stir in Eggs one at a time
  • Stir in milk and nutella
  • Mix until smooth
  • Mix in flour little by little
  • Stir in chocolate chunks
Mixture should look a little like this

  • Put mixture into cake cases.
  • Bake for around 15 min
  • Leave to cool on wire rack
  • Once cool roll out icing thinly and cut 'drippy icing' shapes (see picture)

  • Use a dot of nutella to stick the shapes to each cake
  • Split some left over icing into two balls
  • Use the gel food coloring to make one ball green and one ball red. (this might get a bit messy so use some icing sugar to stop your hands getting to sticky)
  • shape the green ball in to holly leaf shapes
  • Stick two leaves to each cake with a dot of nutella
  • Roll red icing into small balls
  • Stick two or 3 to each cake as the holly berries
  • Enjoy your Christmas pudding nutella muffins!

Do you have any Christmasy Baking ideas?
Will you be trying these?

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