Friday 5 July 2013

My Dior Makeover!

I have never really shopped at a high end makeup counter before, I always feel a little bit intimidated by them (does anyone else get that?). However, the other day I was shopping with my boyfriend and we went for a mooch round Debenhams' makeup section. We found ourselves in the Dior section and the lady at the counter was actually really nice. She matched me up to a foundation and gave me a little sample of it to try at home. While I was there she told me about a makeup artist they had coming in during the next week. After a little bit of persuasion from my boyfriend I decided to book an appointment and get my makeup done.

So along I went on Wednesday to get my makeup done. Everyone there was really nice and I had a really good time. I really liked my new makeup look (even if the foundation he used was a little dark and by the time I got home I looked like i had a wotsit for a face). It was a really nice experience and I even got a little goodie bad of some perfume and skincare samples to try.

Offt fancy samples.
And of course I fell in love with most of the products he used on me. My boyfriend let me pick one as a treat  (he is actually the loveliest) try as I may he did not let me say no (it was tough) I picked the Diorskin nude tan healthy glow enhancing powder in 001 aurora. Super expensive but super pretty! (Watch this space for a review).

So overall I had a super good time and will hopefully feel a little bit less intimidated by makeup counters in future (maybe).
Have you tried anything from Dior?
Let me know what you think?

You can find Dior at Debenhams Here

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