Friday 3 June 2016

Haul || Zara and Dog & Bone

Long time no see! I haven't blogged for over a year! I have had a really busy year completing my final year of uni. But I'm finished and back to blogging!! The other day I went on a trip to York with my parents and picked up a few things while I was there so I thought I would share with you.


I had never been into Zara before, I have heard people talk about it a lot but never found myself in there. I have been missing out! They had some lovely things but I showed restraint and only picked up three things. 

Blazer -£39.99 

Dog &  Bone Vintage 

Circle Skirt - £18

And that's what I got! I am thinking of doing some outfit posts featuring these items, These pictures don't really do the clothes justice! 

That's all for now!