Sunday 20 April 2014

Chat | Spring Resolutions

So spring has sprung and I thought what better time to take some time to start blogging again! (Deffinatley not procrastinating from revision!) Kicking it off I thought I would share my spring resolutions. Just a few things I want to try and do more of (beauty, fashion and life).

1. Wear more dresses!

Despite owning a few dresses I never seem to wear them. I am extremely lazy so jeans and a t-shirt every day always seems like the best option.

2. Shop my stash!

I own a fair amount of make up but always find myself reaching for the same products every morning. I am challenging my self to sort my make up out and show some forgotten things some love. 

3. Get organised!

I have exams and assignment deadlines fast approaching and so I need to make sure I can organise my self to get everything done in the little time left. (Also I should probably tidy my room...)

4. Do some exercise!

I am probably one of the laziest people I know. I would much rather sit in bed eating crisps than go outside. However, my boyfriend has started playing basketball and so hopefully he can help motivate me to leave the sofa and do something healthy!

So that's it 4 resolutions lets hope I can stick to them. I will let you know how I get on. Have you decided to do anything new this spring?
Thanks for reading!