Sunday 19 May 2013

Hair | Cerise Pink Hair

Hey guys!
So it has been a while since I last blogged (very sorry). I have my A level exams coming up next month and i have been super busy with revision.

Anyway, enough of that, time to talk hair. 

I decided (on a bit of a whim) that I wanted pink hair, so off I went to raid boots of bleach and picked up some Directions hair dye from a local shop in my town. I hit failure instantly going from red to any colour is difficult but attempting to get my hair white from red was not going to happen. 

Bleaching red hair gave me yellow dip dyed orange hair with bright white roots (not going to lie I kind of liked it). My boyfriend's mam was really lovely and offered to bleach it again for me (it went kind of peachy) then she put on the Carnation Pink Directions dye I'd bought earlier. It went pink for sure! but it was really patchy so she gave me the Cerise Directions dye which I put on the next day and low and behold bright pink hair!

I have gotten so many compliments on my pink hair however I really can't decide if I like it. Its really difficult to find any clothes to go with it (that aren't black) and none of my lipsticks look quite right (I love lipstick!). 

I miss my red hair but I don't think ill go back in a hurry. I'm not sure what colour im going to go for next but it will probably be fairly soon (i get bored way to quick).

What do you think?
That's all for now
Tatty Bye!