Wednesday 5 September 2012

Nails | Technic Carnival

Whilst out shopping the other day I spotted this, possible the shiniest nail varnish ever, in Bodycare Now i am quite partial so a bit of glitter so when i saw this i just had to have it. It was only 99p! What. A. Bargain. I got really over excited i did my nails as soon as i got home then wrote a little blog on it. I have seen this compared to OPI Rainbow Connection from their Muppet collection. I can see why, I dont own the OPI nailvarnish so i cant compare on things such as how long it lasts or how much glitter is in it. However for 99p technic isnt doing to bad. I have had it on a few days now and it has stayed really well and protects the colour underneith it well too. I will say, I am a bit disapointed on 'glitter density' i would love for this to be a glitter polish but this is deffinatley a glitter top coat. Overall for 99p I cant complain!

I got mine from Bodycare however you can get it on Amazon and I'm sure a lot more places too!

I apologise about the awful state of my nails and my bad photography.
